Let’s talk.

As a photographic artist based in Northeast England, my work emerges from the complex intersection of personal heritage, ecological transformation, and industrial and social history. Growing up in a mining community shaped my understanding of how landscapes hold memory and how nature reclaims what industry has altered.

Through macro photography, I document the intimate processes of renewal taking place on former industrial lands - sites that my own ancestors once mined. This work is deeply personal; my family's story is written into these transforming landscapes.

My practice focuses on revealing the overlooked beauty in these post-industrial spaces, from the resilient wildflowers that colonise spoil heaps to the fascinating fungi and lichens that transform industrial remnants into living systems. Through extreme close-up photography, I capture the minute details of ecological recovery that might otherwise go unnoticed, finding beauty in the processes of decay and renewal.

This ongoing project is both documentation and meditation - on loss, grief and recovery, on industrial heritage and ecological future, on the cycles of transformation that connect human and natural history. It explores how these landscapes, far from being "wastelands," are sites of remarkable regeneration where nature authors new stories on pages marked by industrial past.

Available for exhibitions, and collaborations. Please get in touch to discuss my work or explore potential projects.